Performanceart, Berlin, Diskokugelkostüm, V3, Step into the light, Veruschka Bohn
Lichtperformance, Performancekunst, Berlin, emerging Artist, lightwork, spikes
bodysculpture, Performanceartist, Berlin, Veruschka Bohn, Eschschloraque

L-DNA reflected Performance in der Landesvertretung Niedersachen, Performancekunst Berlin, Multimediaperformance, Kunstkollektiv

Fotos oben: Henryk Weiffenbach, 2020 / Foto unten: Humatic, 2019

L-DNA reflected

 A multimedia situation, 16 min., 2019

In collaboration with Humatic Media


...combines Veruschka Bohn's Performance 'How to Disappear ' with Humatic's Video-Installation L-DNA. In Nov 2018 it was presented at the 'Niedersächsische Landesvertretung' Berlin highlighting the '20 Years Aktion Kindertraum' anniversary. 




L-DNA a pipelined series of video loops, hi-res photos and performances by Humatic / Veruschka Bohn & Christian Graupner. Veruschka's zero gravity performance melts with Humatic's tricky cinematografic concepts evolving into unique living organisms which remind of DNA helix structured deep sea inhabitants.

Die Lady DNA Helix zeigt Performance Künsterlin Veruschka Bohn im All

Videostill: Humatic / V3, 2020